I'm looking for
Pomerania, Berlin, Brandenburg, Posen
and West Prussian Ancestors
and their descendants all over the world.
My father's ancestors came from several villages of Koschneiderei area (Konitz county and Tuchel county) and its surroundings in West Prussia in the region of Pomeralia.
Some of
my paternal ancestor's descendants emigrated to Illinois and Kansas, USA during the 19th century, some to Mexico, some to UK and some to Australia.
My mother's ancestors came from Stettin, Bromberg, Königsberg and Brandenburg area. Some of their descendants emigrated to Canada, some to France, others remained in Germany.
Any additional information about my ancestors and their descendants all over the world appreciated.
Please feel free contact me:
felis.wiese [at] gmail.com
* felizitas *
My ancestors ALBERT Christian Wilhelm Heinrich HAASE
(* 6 Oct. 1851 Stettin, Pomerania † 22. Nov. 1917 Berlin)
oo WILHELMINE Louise Caroline Bertha HEHMKE
(*14 Apr. 1850 Bredow, Stettin, Pomerania, † ca. 1934 Berlin)
Abram | Behrendt | Brodoel | Bröker | Brügmann | Fentsch | Gauer | Gerlach | Gersch | Giersch | Gronowski | Haase | Halweg | Hehmke | Hoppe | Janke | Karnowski | Koler | Korth | Koz | Latzke | Maltich | Maltych | Mittelstädt | Moldenhauer | Musiol | Musolf | Musolph | Muzolf | Muzlof | Pagel | Persicke | Persike | Podgorska | Redmann | Reinke | Remus | Rhode | Risop | Schulz | Schepler | Szepler | Schwemin | Schweminski | Semrau | Slomski | Sobiech | Steinborn | Stolpmann | Stoltmann |Thiede | Tid | Tiede | Tyde | Theil | Tuschik | Wiese | Wilczynski | Will ...