There are some variations of the family name Reinke, like Reincke, Reincken, Reinecke, Reinicke, Reinike or Reinken.
is a north German surname. The family name might have dirived from the first name Reinhard/Reynard.
There was also a village called Klein Reinkendorf in Kreis Randow (Randow county), near Stettin, today Warzymice, in the administrative district of Gmina Kołbaskowo, within Police county, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in north-western Poland, close to the German border.
According to Geogen the most Reinke family name bearers could be found in the north German Landkreise (counties) Uecker-Randow, close to the Polish border, and Vechta. The family name Reinke according to Geogen appraisals was ranked on the 768th place of the most common names in Germany in 2002. There are about 9,832 people with the name Reinke projected from telephone entries on the total German population. There is an incidence of 7,850 Reinkes in the USA, 1,574 in Brazil, 731 in South Africa, 592 in Australia, 254 in Argentinia, 226 in Canada, 108 in Chile, 108 in Szwitzerland and 106 in the Netherlands.
There are around 1,784 people with the family name Reincke projected by Geogen from telephone entries on total population of Germany. There are about 521 individuals with the family name Reincke in the USA, about 115 in the Netherlands, 45 in Szwitzerland, 37 in Australia, 32 in the United Kingdom, 29 in Sweden, 23 in the United Arab Emirates and 20 in Denmark.
Association with a fox
Reynard the Fox (in German: Reineke Fuchs) is a literary cycle of medieval allegorical Dutch, English, French and German fables. The first extant versions of the cycle date to the second half of the 12th century. The genre is very popular throughout the Late Middle Ages, and in chapbook form throughout the Early Modern period.
The stories are largely concerned with Reynard (Dutch: Reinaert; French: Renard; German: Reineke or Reinicke; Latin: Renartus) is the main character, an anthropomorphic red fox and trickster figure.

Christian Votteler: Reineke Fuchs, about 1910
Descendants of Marie Christine Reinke
/JJJJ - before the year JJJJ
JJJJ/ - after the year JJJJ
Marie Christine Reinke/Reincke †/1883
&/1816 Christian Hehmke †1819..1882
1. Louise Hehmke 1812-1812
2. Johann Christian Friedrich Hehmke 1816-1882 &/1845
Louise Marie Charlotte Fensch 1815..1816-1896
2.1. Auguste Wilhelmine Henriette Hehmke 1845- &1871 Christian Friedrich August Stolzenburg 1845-
2.1.1. Ernst August Stolzenburg 1872-1872
2.2. Carl Christian Heinrich Hehmke 1847-1895/ &1874
Johanna Henriette Wilhelmine Hanna Jahnke 1838-1917
2.3. Wilhelmine Louise Caroline Minna Hehmke 1850-1934 &1875
Albert Christian Wilhelm Heinrich Haase 1851-1917
2.3.1. Anna Louise Wilhelmine Haase 1877-
2.3.2. Selma Auguste Helene Haase 1878-1905/
2.3.3. Louise Johanna Albertine Haase 1881-
2.3.4. Robert Albert Hermann Haase 1883-
2.3.5. Reinhold Wilhelm Haase 1885-1943
2.3.6. Albert Emil Haase 1885-1929/
2.3.7. Elisabeth Emilie Marie Haase 1887-1915
2.3.8. Erna Elsbeth Clara Haase Haase 1892-
2.4. Wilhelm Gotthardt Friedrich Hehmke 1853-1854
2.5. Ferdinand Robert August Hehmke 1855-1855
2.6. Franz Robert Wilhelm Hehmke 1856-1867
2.7. Friedrich Hehmke †
3. Christina Wilhelmina Hehmke 1818-
4. Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Hehmke 1820-1824
5. Fridrike Christine Sophie Hehmke 1822-
6. Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Julius Hehmke 1825-1892 &1854
Christine Caroline Prütz 1830..1831-1907
6.1. Marie Christine Caroline Hehmke 1855-1861
6.2. Mathilde Auguste Hehmke 1858-1921..1928 &1877
Carl Martin Julius Charles Stern 1850-/1921
6.2.1. Fritz Carl Max Stern 1885-
6.2.2. Otto Franz Ernst Stern 1887-1961..1962
6.3. Emilie Marie Hehmke 1863-1906 &1891 Hermann August Wilhelm Arndt 1864-1944
6.3.1. Hermann Rudolf Christian Arndt 1893-1897
6.3.2. Helene Charlotte Elisabeth Arndt 1899-1900
6.4. Marie Louise Caroline Hehmke 1865-1865
6.5. Bertha Auguste Hehmke 1869-1918/ &1900 Wilhelm Albert Ferdinand Schauer 1866-1939
6.5.1. Frieda Auguste Elise Schauer 1889-
6.5.2. Martha Anna Helene Schauer 1897-1942/
6.6. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Hehmke 1873-
7. August Samuel Ferdinand Hehmke 1827-
Reinke individuals in my Database
- Alphabetical Overview -
Reinke ...
- A
- Albert Bernhard Hermann 1865-1867, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh
- Albertine 1833..1834-1900, daughter of Christian , married to Wilhelm Ferdinand August Schauer
- Anna Maria Luise 1856-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Anna Maria Luise 1886-, daughter of August and Henriette Degner
- August †/1899, father of Friederike Auguste
- August †, father of Berta Auguste Emilie
- August †, married to Henriette Degner
- August Friedrich Hermann 1873-1915, son of Hermann Carl Wilhelm August and Dorothea Louise Auguste Hitz, married to Helene Martha Elise Koschnitzke
- August Wilhelm Friedrich 1855-1929, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Auguste 1850-1914
- Auguste Marie Wilhelmine Johanne 1850-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- B
- Berta Auguste Emilie 1858..1859-, daughter of August , married to Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Hauff
- C
- Carl August 1850-1927, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Carl Christian Friedrich 1837-, son of Carl Christian Friedrich and Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack
- Carl Christian Friedrich ca 1801-1856, married to Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack
- Carl Christian Friedrich Herrmann 1849-, son of Carl Christian Friedrich and Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack
- Carl Franz Berthold 1873-, son of Karl Friedrich Ferdinand and Amalie Emilie Auguste Pauline Splittgerber
- Carl Friederich Wilhelm 1848-1925, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Carl Friedrich August 1858-, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh
- Carl Friedrich Julius 1852-1877, son of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1853-, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, married to Johanna Albertine Wilhelmine Quandt
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1852-1852, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1827-1909, son of Michael and Christiana Notsdoof, married to Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm ca 1819-, married to Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1842-, son of Michael David and x ?
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1846-, son of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- Charlotte Christine Regine ca 1835-, daughter of Carl Christian Friedrich and Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack, married to Christian Friedrich August Wolff
- Charlotte Christine Wilhelmine Sophie 1838-, daughter of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- Charlotte Grete Anna 1907-, daughter of Hermann and Helena Koschnitzke
- Christian 1861-1938, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Christian †/1901, father of Albertine
- D
- David †, married to Dorothea Turau?
- Dorothea Henriette Augustine 1891-, daughter of August and Henriette Degner
- E
- Elise Bertha Marie 1854-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Elise Maria Sophie 1888-, daughter of August and Henriette Degner
- Else Anna Ida 1908-, daughter of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Else Hedwig Frida 1906-, daughter of Paul and Emma Wedel
- Else Johanna Elfriede 1906-, daughter of Karl and Emilie Schultz
- Emil Otto Richard 1880-, son of August and Henriette Degner
- Emil Paul Ernst 1877-, son of Hermann Carl Wilhelm August and Dorothea Louise Auguste Hitz
- Emma Augusta Henriette 1886-, daughter of August and Henriette Degner
- Emma Maria Friederike 1874-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Johanna Albertine Wilhelmine Quandt
- Emmy Anna Elise 1901-, daughter of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Erna Anna Frieda 1891-, daughter of Wilhelm and Anna Sommer
- Erna Bertha Frieda 1903-ca 1988, daughter of Wilhelm Ferdinand Hermann Heitz and Emma Wilhelmine Luise Grubert, married to x N.N.
- F
- Ferdinand Ludwig Chrisitan 1865-1907, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Ferdinand Ludwig Christian 1860-1931, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Fredericka Louise 1864-1935, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann, married to Wilhelm Friedrich Fick
- Frida Emma Luise 1898-, daughter of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Frieda Else Anna 1890-1890, daughter of Wilhelm and Anna Sommer
- Friederike Auguste 1876-, daughter of August , married to Carl Albert Ferdinand Bensow
- Friederike Wilhelmine Helene 1856-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, married to Karl Friedrich Ferdinand Liskow
- Friedrich ca 1853-, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Friedrich, married to Auguste Stade
- Friedrich Wilhelm August 1815-1886, son of David and Dorothea Turau?, married to Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Friedrich Wilhelm Max 1861-, son of Friedrich and Auguste Stade
- Fritz 1879-1912, son of Wilhelm Friedrich Fick and Fredericka Louise Reinke
- Fritz Heinrich Wilhelm 1888-, son of Wilhelm and Anna Sommer
- Fritz Wilhelm Hellmuth 1901-ca 1976, son of Wilhelm Ferdinand Hermann Heitz and Emma Wilhelmine Luise Grubert
- G
- Gustav Hermann Albert 1859-, son of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- H
- Hanna Caroline Wilhelmine Friederike Emilie 1841-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, married to Friedrich Wilhelm Damerius
- Hanna Friederike Wilhelmine Auguste 1844-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, married to August Gottlieb Franz Kohn
- Heinz Karl Ewald 1910-1990, son of Wilhelm Ferdinand Hermann Heitz and Emma Wilhelmine Luise Grubert, married to Käthe Martha Ella Töllner
- Helene Else Ernestine 1907-, daughter of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Helene Emilie Margarethe 1904-, daughter of Karl and Emilie Schultz
- Helene Wilhelmine Emilie 1860-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, married to Hermann Karl Ferdinand Hoddow
- Helmut ca 1913-ca 1916, son of Wilhelm Ferdinand Hermann Heitz and Emma Wilhelmine Luise Grubert
- Hermann †, married to Helena Koschnitzke
- Hermann Carl Wilhelm August 1850-, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh, with Dorothea Louise Auguste Hitz
- J
- Johann †/1847, father of Maria Christine Wilhemine
- Johann †, married to Klara Rempin
- Johann Carl Wilhelm Heinrich 1846-1866, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Caroline Friederike Christine Feuerloh
- Johann Christian Friedrich 1841-, son of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- Johanna Louise 1867-1893, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- K
- Karl †, married to Emilie Schultz
- Karl Friedrich Ferdinand †, married to Amalie Emilie Auguste Pauline Splittgerber
- L
- Louise Caroline Friederike 1851-, daughter of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze, married to Julius Martin Heinrich Hexel
- Louise Friederike Caroline 1845-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Louise Marie Regine 1837-, daughter of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- Louise Wilhelmine Christine 1859-, daughter of Christian Friedrich August Wolff and Charlotte Christine Regine Reinke
- M
- Margarethe Anna Helene 1910-, daughter of Karl and Emilie Schultz
- Maria Christine 1796..1797-1874, married to Jacob Friedrich Hoddow
- Maria Christine Wilhemine ca 1820-, daughter of Johann , married to Martin Friedrich Peters
- Marie Charlotte Wilhelmine 1863-1894, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt, married to Carl Robert Wilhelm Machner
- Marie Christine †, married to Wilhelm Friedrich Völtz
- Marie Dorothee Luise 1843-, daughter of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- Martha Emma Frieda 1903-, daughter of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Mary Louise Wilhelmine 1870-1956, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Max August Karl 1905-, son of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- Maximilian Friedrich 1869- Maximilian Friedrich Max
- Meta Emma Clara 1883-, daughter of August and Henriette Degner, married to Karl August Jakob Döge
- Michael ca 1800-, married to Christiana Notsdoof
- Michael †, married to Dorothee Sophie Wendland
- Michael 1752..1753-1848
- Michael David †, married to Anna Sophia Dinze
- O
- Otto Emil Paul 1904-, son of Johann and Klara Rempin
- P
- Paul †, married to Emma Wedel
- R
- Rudolf Carl Friedrich 1848-, son of Michael David and Anna Sophia Dinze
- W
- Wilhelm †1890/, married to Anna Sommer
- Wilhelmine Amalie Emilie 1848-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August and Friederike Caroline Louise Brandt
- Wilhelmine Caroline Christine 1839-, daughter of Carl Christian Friedrich and Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack, married to Carl Ludwig Schwenck
- Wilhelmine Christine Marie 1856-1940, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Louisa Wilhelmina Krätzmann
- Willy Max August 1900-, son of Maximilian Friedrich Max and Elise Anna Luise Else Stüfen
- x
- x, daughter of Heinz Karl Ewald and Käthe Martha Ella Töllner, married to x Matthiesen
- x †, married to Wilhelmine Lippke
- x †, child of Carl Christian Friedrich and Regine Christine Wilhelmine Röpenack
- x, child of Heinz Karl Ewald and Käthe Martha Ella Töllner
- x, child of Heinz Karl Ewald and Käthe Martha Ella Töllner