Remus Family


by Bill Remus

There are two theories on the German origin of the Remus name. Here they are:

Theory 1: In his book "Deutsche Sippennamen" (German clan names), Albert Heinze attributes Rehm (Rem) to the gothic ragin which means to stand out, to protrude, to rule. He then assumes that Remus is the Latinized form of the name Rehm; that is, take Rehm and add the us (an ending usually given to a male person or noun in Latin). There are records of people using the name Rehm in the 1300's.

Theory 2: In his book "Deutsches Namenlexicon," Hans Bahlowargues thatRemus is not a German family name even though a lot of Germans carry this family name. He believes that the Remus family name comes from the Latin Remus (from Remus and Romulus, founders of Rome) and was an adopted name.

Plus two theories on the Polish origin of the Remus name:

Theory 3: In his book "Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings," William F. Hoffman states that the Polish Remus family name was based on the name of the Catholic saint Rhegius (Bahlow above thought this was a possibility for the German name and the French name too). Rhegius won his sainthood for converting Clovis, the king of Franks, to Christianity. This was important since it moved France towards becoming a Christian nation. There are many Remus family members in France who chose the Remus family name to reflect this important saint.

Theory 4: In his book "Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings," William F. Hoffman also states that the Polish Remus family name might have been based on Remisz which is short for Jeremiasz or remisz/remiz which is a"singing tit" (a kind of bird).

Evidence of the Origin of the Remus Name

Some German genealogists say that the first recorded use of the Remus surname was by Aegidius Remus (born in as Aegidius Rem in 1499 in Augsburg); Aegidius was to become the Bishop of Chiemsee (a Bishopic half way between Munich and Salzburg) from 1526 to 1536. This was during the time of the Protestant Reformation and Aegidius worked to reform the Catholic Church in the Archbishopic of Salzburg (Click here for a lot more on the life of Aegidius Remus).

The most famous Remus of the era was the Vice Chancellor of University of Altdorf near Nuremberg named Georgius Remus (died August 15 1625). His most famous publication was the codification of German law written with Charles V, The Holy Roman Emperor. His ancestors were from the Rem family of Augsburg. So Theory 1 above by Heinze is supported for the Rem(us) family of Augsburg.

The family name Remus appears in Grossenhain, Saxony in the mid 1500's (Grossenhain is half way between Leipzig and Dresden). A look at the Lutheran church book of Grossenhain shows the inconsistent use of Remus as a family name and shows the switching back and forth to Reim and other variations. From this I take it that the name had not yet stabilized as Remus. The children of Kantor (choirmaster or teacher) Martin Remus of Grossenhain appear in that church book. So again Theory 1 above by Heinze is supported for Rem(us) being a Latinization of Rem or Reim. But there were alternative spellings other than Reim and Remus in Grossenhain.

The Remus family name also appears in Kamenz, Saxony (Kamenz is north of Dresden). In Kamenz the name Remus is used as early as 1491. However, often Remitz and other variations are used. In no case is Rem or Reim used. So in Kamenz there is no evidence to support the Theory 1 above by Heinze stating that Rem(us) is a Latinization of Rem or Reim. In fact, Remus seems to be an alternative to Remitz and might even be derived from the name Remitz.

The Remus name first appears in Poland in the area later to be known as West Prussia. In this case, the Remus family of Kamenz traveled to the area with Augustus the Strong in his campaign against the Swedes in the early 1700's. They stayed on after the war and most if no all the many Remus family members in the old West Prussia area are part of that large family. But also there may be an independent origination of Remus in Poland. This is particularly likely to happen in Kaschubia in northern Poland (a particularly religious group of people) where the most important early literary source in Kaschubian is The Life and Adventures of Remus. If this did occur, theory 3 or 4 might apply to the Kaschubians.

I might note that I have corresponded with a descendent of the Remy family of France. He attributes his family name to St Rhegius as is suggested by Theory 3.

So there is strong evidence for some Remus family names being a Latinization of Rem (Theory 1) but little evidence for that adoption of the name directly from Remus in the Latin literature (Theory 2). Theory 3 seems supported in France and might be so in Catholic Kaschubia. There is no evidence for Theory 4. However, a new finding is that Remus also might be derived from Remitz. If true, Remitz might have Slavic roots in Saxony (Kamenz and Wiesa were in an area populated by both Germans and Slavic Wends (Sorbs in the modern term for this group).

Also allow me to suggest a Theory 5. I was looking at some maps of Saxony from 1751 in Dresden when I noticed a minor Saxon State name Remissa (it appears to be the old name of the modern Saxon town name of Remse). So perhaps my family was from Remissa. The name is sounds very similar to Remus.

The evidence for theory 5 is only circumstantial. We find no use of the name Remissa in the Kamenz or Grossenhain church books nor in the burger lists. So it is the weakest of the theories.


Remus individuals in my data base

- Alphabetical overview -

/YYYY - before the year YYYY
YYYY / - after the year YYYY

Remus ...

  • A
    • Adam 1800..1801-/1850, married to Agnes Janowitz
    • Adam 1883-, son of August and Caroline Schultz, married to x Domke
    • Adam /1720-, son of [Vater von Adam & Johann] , married to Marianne Gapska
    • Adam August 1839-, son of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • Adelheid 1849-, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Theodor Gottlieb Dahlmann
    • Adelheid Theresia 1844-1905, daughter of David and Pauline Geschke, married to Karl Theodor von Schon
    • Adeline 1916-/2011, daughter of Gustav and Wilhelmine Roesler, married to x Seidler Preputin
    • Adolf J. 1902-1978, son of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • Adolf Rudolph 1883-1956, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Elizabeth Frick
    • Agnes Juliane Clara 1866-1867, daughter of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Albert 1885-, son of August Martin and Theresa Schmidt
    • Albert Julius 1844-1921, married to Caroline Fredrika Becker
    • Albert Julius 1833-1865, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Albert Paul 1862-1905, son of Richard Ferdinand and Antonie Bork, married to Elisabeth Bernheim
    • Alexander 1870-, son of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Alexander 1838-, son of Johann August and Justyna Grande, married to Wilhelmine Remus
    • Alice Irmgard Käthe 1914-1983, daughter of Max Emil Gustav and Käthe Selma Alma Stenzel, married to Karl Holm
    • Alma 1870-1891, daughter of Michael Moritz Ewald and Friederike Ottilie Scharmer
    • Alma 1905-1915, daughter of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt
    • Alwina 1905-/1940, daughter of ....., married to x Pezke
    • Amalie 1894-1932 Amalie Mollie
    • Amaline Caroline 1843-1848, daughter of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • Amanda 1907-1987, daughter of ....., married to .....
    • Amanda 1892- Amanda Amandy
    • Amanda Rosalie 1849-1849, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Andreas ca 1796-1797, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Andreas ca 1825-1891, married to Catharina Piotrowska
    • Andreas †1879/, son of Martin and Catherine Scharner
    • Andreas 1873/-, son of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Andreas 1864-1865, son of Alexander and Wilhelmine Remus
    • Andreas 1801-1854, son of Johann Gottfried and Catherina Lerch, married to Anna Marie Jesse
    • Andreas 1856-1856, son of Johann and Justina Schultz
    • Andreas 1819-1881, son of Paul and Marianna Schmidt, married to x ?
    • Andreas 1795-, son of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Andreas 1861-, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Andreas 1787-1859, married to Anna Charlotte Anna Kunsthof
    • Andreas 1797-1798, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Angelica 1900-, daughter of Michael and Anna Chmara
    • Angelika 1871- Angelika Aniela
    • Anna 1891-/1901, daughter of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • Anna 1882-1972, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August Frase and Auguste Elisabeth Remus, married to x Neubauer
    • Anna ca 1901-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Anna ca 1894-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Anna 1833-, daughter of Adam and Agnes Janowitz
    • Anna 1765-, daughter of Peter and Catharine Thoms
    • Anna 1867-, daughter of Thomas and Margaretha Meggier
    • Anna 1829-, daughter of Paul and Veronika Zmich
    • Anna 1825-, daughter of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Anna 1830-1831, daughter of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Anna 1902-1992, daughter of August Herman August Gustav Hermann and Caroline Dorthea Hilt, married to .....
    • Anna 1851-, daughter of Gottlieb Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Elisabeth Juste Justine Rhode, married to Johann Carl August Petzold
    • Anna Auguste 1857-1918 Anna Auguste Annie
    • Anna C. 1897-/1956 Anna C. Annie
    • Anna Catharine 1794-1795, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Anna Catharine 1818-, daughter of Peter and Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe, married to Christian Peglau
    • Anna Catharine 1756-, daughter of Michael and Eva Rosina Janke, married to Adam Kanthak
    • Anna Christina 1854-, daughter of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller, married to x Bussler
    • Anna Christina 1836-1863, daughter of Andreas and Anna Marie Jesse, married to Carl Wilhelm Remus
    • Anna Christine ca 1770-1854, married to x Hehmke
    • Anna Dorothea 1735-, daughter of Martin and Catharine Nitz
    • Anna Eleonore 1806-1833, daughter of Johann Gottfried and Catherina Lerch, married to Gottlieb Zanto
    • Anna Elisabeth 1834-, daughter of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge, married to Georg Jonat
    • Anna Elisabeth 1820-, daughter of Daniel and Marianna Retzlaff, married to Johan Christoph Schmidt
    • Anna Elisabeth Christiane 1795-, daughter of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi, married to Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Middelstadt
    • Anna Hulda 1855-, daughter of Martin and Anna Maria Gunsch
    • Anna Louise 1855-1900/, daughter of Johann Gottlieb and Wilhelmine Maron, married to Christian Papke
    • Anna Ludwika 1838-1838, daughter of Johann August and Justyna Grande
    • Anna Ludwika 1833-/1839, daughter of Johann August and Justyna Grande
    • Anna Luise 1816-, daughter of Daniel and Marianna Retzlaff, married to Gottlieb Johan Gill
    • Anna Maria 1769-, daughter of Peter and Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck, married to Daniel Graul
    • Anna Marianna 1868-ca 1918, daughter of Peter Piotr and Johanna Bartholdy, married to Friedrich Wilhelm Wolff
    • Anna Marianna 1729-1730, daughter of Lorenz and Anna Marie N.N.
    • Anna Marie 1821-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf, married to Gottlieb Krause
    • Anna Martha Ernestine 1861-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg, married to Jacob Wilhelm Janke
    • Anna Rose 1891-1964, daughter of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski, married to x Bottke
    • Anna Rosina 1810-, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke, married to Carl Stremlau
    • Anna Rosina 1745-, daughter of Johann David and Eva Halweg, married to Matthias Lietz Lietz
    • Anna Rosina 1845-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Eva Rosine Ristau, mother of Wilhelmina
    • Anna Susanna 1830-, daughter of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Anne Johana 1886- Anne Johana Anna
    • Anton 1863-, son of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska
    • Anton 1889-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Anton 1851-, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska, married to Julianna Wesselowski
    • Anton A. 1899-1975 Anton A. Tony
    • Antonia 1887-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak, married to Łukasz Jędryczka
    • Antonie 1894-, daughter of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • Arno Julius 1894-, son of Wilhelm and Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf, married to Katherine Janschelt
    • Arthur Frederick 1908-, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt, married to Aurelia Ina Karvinen
    • Arthur J. 1911-1996, son of Ignatz A. and Georgiana Johnson, married to Beatrice Brastrom
    • August 1860-1942, son of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska, married to Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • August , son of Michael , father of Kinder
    • August 1888-1916, son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • August 1866-, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Luise Gutknecht, married to Caroline Schultz
    • August 1833-, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Wilhelmina Stefan
    • August 1846-1869, son of Johann Gottlieb and Anna Christina Retzlaff, married to Wilhelmine Schultz
    • August 1866-, son of Alexander and Wilhelmine Remus
    • August 1837-1918, son of Daniel and Christine Ewald, married to Mathilda Ellermeier
    • August 1870-1957, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Caroline Hetke
    • August 1890-1955, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Henriette N.N.
    • August 1844-1847, son of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • August A. , son of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • August Albert 1836-, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • August Anton 1864-1865, son of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • August Carl 1892-1971, son of August Herman August Gustav Hermann and Caroline Dorthea Hilt, with Eunice Elda Loucks
    • August Ferdinand 1804-1878, son of Michael and Dorothea Schacht, married to Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • August Ferdinand 1840-1841, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Caroline Radke
    • August Frederick 1893-1968, son of August and Caroline Hetke, married to Ethel Beatrice Russel
    • August Julius 1862-, son of Paul and Albertine Mahlke
    • August Martin 1856-, son of Martin and Anna Maria Gunsch, married to Theresa Schmidt
    • August Wilhelm 1859-, son of Michael and Constantia Stoltmann
    • August Wilhelm 1840-1922, son of Daniel and Christine Berg, verw. Bettin, married to Wilhelmina Harwardt
    • Augusta ca 1879-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Bock
    • Augusta 1894-, daughter of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • Auguste 1849-, daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert, married to Wilhelm Schneider
    • Auguste 1856-1856, daughter of Martin and Anna Elisabeth Steinke
    • Auguste 1879-1951, daughter of Johan and Marianne Schwarz, married to x Grande
    • Auguste 1813/-, daughter of Carl and Clara Catharine Raddies, married to Carl Leopold Langhut
    • Auguste /1843-, married to Friedrich Wilhelm Remus
    • Auguste Elisabeth 1842-1882, daughter of Carl and Anne Marquard, married to Friedrich Wilhelm August Frase
    • Auguste Emilie 1866-, daughter of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Auguste Emilie 1879-, daughter of Carl August and Caroline Kirchhof
    • Auguste Florentine 1899-1932, daughter of August and Caroline Hetke, married to Friedrich Fritz Remus
    • Auguste Frederike Wilhelmine 1840-1840, daughter of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Auguste Henriette 1839-1840, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Auguste Justina [?] 1851-1922, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer, married to Johann Dahlke
    • Auguste Mathilde 1860-, daughter of Paul and Albertine Mahlke
  • x
  • B
    • Barbara Elisabeth ca 1784-, daughter of Johann Daniel and Dorothea Runk
    • Barbara Elisabeth /1742-, daughter of Peter and x Gieus, married to Caspar Hoppe
    • Barbara Elisabeth 1797-, daughter of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper, married to Johan Dahlke
    • Barbara Elisabeth 1754-, daughter of Michael and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Bernhard Ferdinand 1897-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Bertha 1886-, daughter of Franz Albert and Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski, married to Heinrich Neesen
    • Bertha 1899-1961, daughter of Johan and Marianne Schwarz, married to x Bussler
    • Bertha 1877-, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Bertha Johanna 1857-1863, daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert
    • Bertha Louise 1838-, daughter of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Bertha Ottilie 1856-1888, daughter of Carl and Caroline Erdmann, married to Alexander Fabricus
    • Bertold Robert 1855-, son of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Bruno 1847-1920, son of David and Pauline Geschke, married to Valeska Rasmus
    • Bruno 1917-, son of Max Emil Gustav and Käthe Selma Alma Stenzel
  • C
    • Carl 1806-, son of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert, married to Auguste Eisenhart
    • Carl 1863-, son of Stephan , married to x ?
    • Carl 1814-1885, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke, married to Anne Marquard
    • Carl 1790-1792, son of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
    • Carl /1793-1847, son of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß, married to Clara Catharine Raddies
    • Carl 1790-1838, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Carl August 1849-1870, son of Carl and Louise Erdmann, married to Caroline Krüger
    • Carl August 1852-, son of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Carl August 1823-1880, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf, married to Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Carl August 1860- Carl August Chas
    • Carl August 1911..1914, son of Otto Arthur Vitalis and .....
    • Carl August 1826-1918, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge, married to Auguste Leopoldine Grapow
    • Carl August 1858-1935 Carl August Charles
    • Carl August 1890-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Carl August 1860-1915 Carl August Chas
    • Carl August 1854-, son of David Jakob and Luise Wiese, married to Caroline Kirchhof
    • Carl Edward 1844-1844, son of Johann Gottlieb and Wilhelmina Wiebe
    • Carl Ferdinand 1841-1842, son of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm 1853-, son of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Carl Friedrich 1826-1868, son of Peter and Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe
    • Carl Friedrich 1807-1887, son of Michael and Dorothea Schacht, married to Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig 1832-, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 1793-1880, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Carl Hermann 1835-/1882, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Emilie Strehlke
    • Carl Jacob 1821-1822, son of Johann and Susanna Abram
    • Carl Jacob 1803-1804, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Carl Johann Wilhelm 1884-1974 Carl Johann Wilhelm China-Karl
    • Carl Wilhelm 1837-1866, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Anna Christina Remus
    • Carl Wilhelm 1807-1808, son of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Carl Wilhelm 1849-1851, son of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Carl Wilhelm 1816-, son of Carl and Clara Catharine Raddies, married to Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Carol. Luise 1865-1867, daughter of Carl and Caroline Erdmann
    • Caroline 1861-, daughter of Peter and Friderike Bartel, married to Simon Glowacki
    • Caroline 1861-1908/, daughter of Peter Piotr and Johanna Bartholdy
    • Caroline 1854-, daughter of Daniel and Luise Drewlo, married to Gottlieb Baumgardt
    • Caroline 1856-1857, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Luise Gutknecht
    • Caroline 1850-, daughter of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller, married to Gottfried Hahn
    • Caroline 1867-, daughter of Johann and Justina Schultz, married to Ludwig Dalke
    • Caroline 1829-1911, daughter of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt, married to Richard Schwanke
    • Caroline 1820-, daughter of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Caroline 1823-, daughter of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Caroline 1796-1824, daughter of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß, married to Johann Daniel Wiese
    • Caroline 1852-1852, daughter of David Jakob and Luise Wiese
    • Caroline Auguste 1830-, daughter of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge
    • Caroline Auguste Elisabeth 1869-, daughter of David Jakob and Luise Wiese, married to Eduard Nehring
    • Caroline Auguste Olga 1862-1942, daughter of Michael Moritz Ewald and Friederike Ottilie Scharmer, married to Johannes Theodor Immanuel Encke
    • Caroline Catherine 1856-, daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert
    • Caroline Christine 1801-1801, daughter of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert
    • Caroline Elisabeth 1855-1941, daughter of David and Henriette Caroline Zielke, married to Gustav Johann Radke
    • Caroline Emilie 1847-1924, daughter of Carl and Louise Erdmann, married to Julius Schmidt
    • Caroline Emilie Ottilie Lotte 1891-, daughter of Herrmann Hugo Waldemar and Ida Bertha Alice Borrmann, married to Georg Niehus
    • Caroline Florentine 1819-, daughter of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to David Schilling
    • Caroline Friederike 1836-, daughter of Daniel and Caroline Oehlke
    • Caroline Rose , daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese, married to Fredrick Spengler
    • Caroline Wilhelmine 1845-1845, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Caroline Wilhelmine 1812-, daughter of Carl and Clara Catharine Raddies, married to Carl Wilhelm Dobrint
    • Caroline Wilhelmine 1858-1940 Caroline Wilhelmine Lena
    • Carrye Amilee 1904-1936, daughter of August Herman August Gustav Hermann and Caroline Dorthea Hilt, married to Raymond Douglas Patton
    • Caspar 1749-1751, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg
    • Catharina 1835-1881, daughter of Johann Daniel and Eva Rosine Wiederhoft, married to Johann Abraham
    • Catharine 1849-1851, daughter of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Catharine 1862-, daughter of Thomas and Margaretha Meggier
    • Catharine 1753-, daughter of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Catharine 1770-, daughter of Peter and Catharine Thoms
    • Catharine 1772-, daughter of Michael and Catharine Klotz
    • Cæcilia 1890-1894, daughter of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann
    • Charlotte Ernestine 1842-1915, married to Johann Onesiphorus Remus
    • Christian 1885-1957, son of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Christian 1745-, son of Adam and Marianne Gapska, married to Anna Schultz
    • Christian 1751-, son of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Christian /1734-1798/, married to Anna Dorothea Warmbier
    • Christian 1772/-, son of Michael and Catharine Klotz
    • Christian 1792-, son of Johan Georg and Regina Gierk
    • Christine 1742-, daughter of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Christine /1735-, daughter of Peter and x Gieus, married to Johan Golierod
    • Christine Frederike 1805-, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Christoph 1760-, son of Peter and Catharine Thoms
    • Christoph /1721-/1771, married to Eva Meskowka
    • Christoph 1770-, son of Peter and Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck, married to Anna ?
    • Christoph 1760-1760, son of Johann Caspar and Anna Ludovika Konopka
    • Christoph 1745-1777, son of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to Anna Louisa ?
    • Christoph Friedrich 1820-, son of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
  • D
    • Daniel 1832-, son of Johann Daniel and Eva Rosine Wiederhoft, married to Emilie Affelt
    • Daniel 1826-, son of Daniel and Marianna Retzlaff, married to Luise Drewlo
    • Daniel 1795-, son of Johann Gottfried and Catherina Lerch, married to Marianna Retzlaff
    • Daniel 1853-1853, son of Ludwig and Marianna Ziebart
    • Daniel /1799-/1865, married to Christine Ewald
    • Daniel 1823-, son of Peter and Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe
    • Daniel 1816-1867, son of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Daniel 1839-, son of Daniel and Caroline Oehlke
    • Daniel 1799-, son of Christoph and Anna ?, married to Caroline Oehlke
    • Daniel 1799-, son of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Daniel 1820-, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Daniel 1811-1844, son of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz, married to Christine Berg, verw. Bettin
    • Daniel 1821-, son of Andreas and Anna Charlotte Anna Kunsthof, married to Caroline Wilhelmina Kathke
    • David 1820-1902, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge, father of Hedwig
    • David 1804-1864, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Pauline Geschke
    • David 1825-1890, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke, married to Henriette Caroline Zielke
    • David Jakob 1824-1906, son of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Luise Wiese
    • David Wilhelm 1799-1829, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Donald H. ca 1915-2000/, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt, married to x N.N.
    • Dorothea /1745-, daughter of Peter and x Gieus
    • Dorothea 1758-, daughter of Peter and Catharine Thoms
    • Dorothea 1756-1757, daughter of Johann Caspar and Anna Ludovika Konopka
    • Dorothea Alwine Amalie 1842-, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Julius von Wittenshein
    • Dorothea Charlotte 1811-1812, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Schacht
    • Dorothea Elisabeth 1817-1830, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Dorothea Elisabeth 1800-, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke, married to Johan Gottlieb Bahr
    • Dorothea Elisabeth 1733-, daughter of Lorenz and Anna Marie N.N., married to Christian Janke
    • Dorothea Elisabeth 1817-, daughter of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Dorothea Elisabeth 1792-, daughter of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg, married to Michael Kathke
    • Dorothea Elisabeth Luise 1791-1833, daughter of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Johann Daniel Hammler
  • E
    • Edna 1903-, daughter of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • Eduard 1859-, son of Franz and Katharina Ickert
    • Eduard 1860-, son of Daniel and Luise Drewlo, married to Luise Behnke
    • Eduard 1867-1869, son of August and Wilhelmine Schultz
    • Eduard 1883/-, son of Martin and Pauline Pydde
    • Eduard 1885-1942 Eduard Edward
    • Eduard Ewald 1856-, son of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Eduard Richard 1872-1872, son of David Jakob and Luise Wiese
    • Edwin David 1893-1893, son of Wilhelm and Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf
    • Edwin Erwald Ehrenreich 1889-1965, son of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter, married to Karoline Kalbfleisch
    • Edwin Herman 1904-1986, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt, married to Lola May Maidment
    • Elaine A. 1917-1997, daughter of August Carl and Eunice Elda Loucks, married to Victor Palen
    • Elisabeth ca 1878-, daughter of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Elisabeth 1874-, daughter of Anton Benno Stephan von Frankenberg und Proschlitz and Wanda Remus
    • Elisabeth ca 1772-1775, daughter of Peter and Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck
    • Elisabeth Jenny 1869-, daughter of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel, married to Johann Lingenberg
    • Elise Marie 1862-, daughter of Carl August and Auguste Leopoldine Grapow
    • Elle Frieda 1903-, daughter of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Elsa 1900/-, daughter of Heinrich Andreas and Paulina Gresinger
    • Elsa 1903-1970, daughter of ....., married to Berthold Wesner
    • Elsie 1897-1985, daughter of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • Elsie 1911-, son of Rudolf Friedrich and Bertha Westphal
    • Elsie Auguste 1915-1985, daughter of Friedrich Fritz and Auguste Florentine Remus, married to Carl Charlie Martin
    • Emil Hermann 1889-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Emil Reinhold 1850-1915, son of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Emilie 1882/-, daughter of Johan and Marianne Schwarz
    • Emilie 1867-, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz, married to August Stürzbecher
    • Emilie 1870-1873, daughter of August and Wilhelmine Schultz
    • Emilie 1871-1873, daughter of Alexander and Wilhelmine Remus
    • Emilie 1851-, daughter of Johann August and Justyna Grande, married to Michael Celmer
    • Emilie 1855-, daughter of Ludwig and Marianna Ziebart, married to August Weber
    • Emilie 1875-, daughter of Johann and Justina Schultz
    • Emilie Agnes 1883-, daughter of August Martin and Theresa Schmidt
    • Emilie Alwine 1845-, daughter of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Emilie Auguste 1863-, daughter of David Jakob and Luise Wiese, married to Carl Kirschstein
    • Emilie Auguste Laura 1838-, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Carl Ludwig Krause
    • Emilie Caroline 1861-, daughter of Friedrich Gottlob and Johanna Michaelis, married to Johann Franz Remus
    • Emilie Ernestine 1865-1941, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese, married to Johann John Kattenberg
    • Emilie Wilhelmina 1854-1854, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Emilie Wilhelmine 1847-1920, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Hermann Ferdinand Goede
    • Emma 1882-, daughter of August Martin and Theresa Schmidt
    • Emma Elise 1851-, daughter of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Erhart Otto Julius 1898-, son of Otto Julius Eduard and Auguste Plath
    • Erich 1911-1996, son of Gottfried and Pauline Remus, married to Lydia Obst
    • Erika 1908-, daughter of Paul Otto Philipp and Elisabeth Ziehm
    • Erna 1881..1882-, daughter of Johann Emil Reinhold and Alwine Anna Martha Schulz
    • Erna 1904-1987, daughter of ....., married to Wladimir Schulz
    • Erna Anna Emilie 1887-1973, daughter of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter, married to Carl Joop
    • Ernestine 1857-, daughter of Daniel and Luise Drewlo
    • Ernestine 1864-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Luise Gutknecht
    • Ernestine 1874-1874, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Ernestine 1856/-1865, daughter of Alexander and Wilhelmine Remus
    • Ernestine 1853-1854, daughter of Ludwig and Marianna Ziebart
    • Ernestine 1899-1900, daughter of August and Caroline Hetke
    • Ernestine Marie Henriette 1867-1868, daughter of David Jakob and Luise Wiese
    • Ernst , son of Michael
    • Ernst 1855-, son of Gottlieb Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Elisabeth Juste Justine Rhode, married to Bertha Agnes Louise Obst
    • Ernst Gustav Bruno 1873-1880, son of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Ernst Richard 1882-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Eugen Erhard Moritz 1868-, son of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel, married to Lili Therese Remus
    • Eva Hildegard 1896-, daughter of Wilhelm and Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf, married to Wilhelm Zuckschwert
    • Eva Rosina 1833-1833, daughter of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge
    • Eva Rosina 1826-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf, married to Carl Martin Kroop
    • Eva Rosina 1852-, daughter of Martin and Anna Elisabeth Steinke, married to Gustav Hermann
    • Eva Rosina 1822-1822, daughter of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt
    • Eva Rosina 1797-, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Eva Rosina 1846-, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Eva Rosina 1818-, daughter of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Eva Rosina 1794-, daughter of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Eva Rosina 1740-, daughter of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to Johann Schmidt
    • Eva Rosina 1852-1852, daughter of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Eva Rosina 1761-, daughter of Michael and Catharine Klotz
    • Eva Rosina 1833-, daughter of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede, married to Christian Strich
    • Eva Rosina 1816-, daughter of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Andreas Huebner
    • Ewald , son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Ewald 1899-1937, son of ....., married to .....
    • Ewald 1865-, son of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Ewald 1909-1959, son of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt, married to x Grube
    • Ewald Hugo Richard 1868-, son of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Ewald Johann ca 1853-1853, son of Carl and Caroline Erdmann
  • F
    • Francis 1892-, daughter of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • Francisca 1871-/1910, daughter of Peter Piotr and Johanna Bartholdy
    • Frank Gladden 1916-1989, son of Eduard Edward and Mary Lundgren, married to Erma Olga Hoffman
    • Franz /1876-, son of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Franz , father of Martin
    • Franz 1816-1907, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke, married to Katharina Ickert
    • Franz 1822-1880, son of Martin and Catherine Scharner, married to Theresa Graber
    • Franz 1885-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Franz 1863-, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Franz 1800-1802, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke
    • Franz 1754..1755-1837, son of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to Anna Marianna Bethke
    • Franz Albert 1852-1889, son of Martin and Anna Maria Gunsch, married to Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski
    • Franz Albert 1885-, son of Franz Albert and Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski, married to Lucie Francisca Ryngrdska
    • Franz Julius 1831-, son of Friedrich and Dorothea Luise Lyst, married to Julianne Auguste Wilhelmine Müller
    • Franz Paul 1883-1915, son of Maria Helene Remus, married to Auguste Hennig
    • Franz Paul Reinhard 1900-, son of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter, married to Luise ?
    • Franz Wilhelm 1810-, son of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
    • Fred 1900-1992, son of Rudolf Friedrich and Bertha Westphal
    • Fred John Remus 1900-1979, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt, married to Lura Leota Edgerton
    • Fred W. 1892-1954/, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Henriette N.N.
    • Frederick August 1898-1987, son of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Luise Martha Gruenke
    • Frederike 1834-1838, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Frieda 1911-1995, daughter of Otto Arthur Vitalis and .....
    • Friedrich 1817-1857, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Friedrich 1877/-, son of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Friedrich 1881-1974 Friedrich Frederick
    • Friedrich /1811-/1836, married to Dorothea Luise Lyst
    • Friedrich 1887-, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Bock
    • Friedrich 1803-1880 Friedrich Fritz
    • Friedrich 1796-, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke
    • Friedrich 1891-1923 Friedrich Fritz
    • Friedrich Adolph 1833-1833, son of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Friedrich August 1816-, son of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert, married to Caroline Kiedrowski
    • Friedrich Carl 1811-, son of Carl and Dorothea Elisabeth Prill
    • Friedrich Eduard 1843-, son of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Friedrich Gottlob 1830-, son of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede, married to Johanna Michaelis
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1832-1832, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1860-, son of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1864-1864, son of Martin and Anna Elisabeth Steinke
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1853-, son of August and Wilhelmina Stefan
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1834-, son of Daniel and Marianna Retzlaff, married to Luise Gutknecht
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1862-1865, son of Johann and Justina Schultz
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1855-1889/, son of Michael and Dorothea Meyer, married to Wilhelmine Bock
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1836-, son of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede, married to Auguste Remus
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1853-, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese, married to Henriette N.N.
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1818-1878, son of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Wilhelmine Caroline Radke
    • Friedrich Wilhelm 1859-1941 Friedrich Wilhelm Billy
    • Fritz Philipp Julius 1902-, son of Eugen Erhard Moritz and Lili Therese Remus, married to Irmgard Tillack
  • G
    • Georg 1776-1854, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg
    • Georg 1798-1867, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner
    • Georg Albert Eugen 1870-1871, son of August Albert and Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • Georg Ludwig 1785-1785, son of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi
    • George 1887-1954, son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • George Frederick 1889-1958, son of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann, married to Sofia Blanche Wanda Czerniak
    • George I. , son of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • George L. 1896-, son of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • Gertrude 1913-1913, daughter of Franz Albert and Lucie Francisca Ryngrdska
    • Giesela 1914, daughter of Paul Otto Philipp and Elisabeth Ziehm
    • Gottfried 1883-1962, son of Ludwig and Dorothea Zimmer, married to Pauline Remus
    • Gottfried 1857-, son of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller
    • Gottfried 1865-, son of Carl Wilhelm and Ludwiga Weber
    • Gottfried 1862-1862, son of Johann August and Rosina Putzer
    • Gottfried 1772-, son of Peter and Catharine Thoms, married to Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Gottfried Paul Eduard 1839-1853, son of Georg and Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner
    • Gottfried Wilhelm 1802-1804, son of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke
    • Gottlieb ca 1748-, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg
    • Gottlieb Ferdinand 1826-1866, son of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Wilhelmine Elisabeth Juste Justine Rhode
    • Gottlieb Killian 1791-1793, son of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi
    • Gustaf Emil 1895-1972, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase, with Ida Mary Moyer
    • Gustav 1854-1856, son of Carl August and Wilhelmine Kropp
    • Gustav 1888-1976, son of August and Caroline Schultz, married to Wilhelmine Roesler
    • Gustav Adolph 1845-1845, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Gustav Adolph Rudolph 1842-1902, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge, married to Emilie Bertha Jahnz
    • Gustav Albert 1866-1866, son of David Jakob and Luise Wiese
    • Gustav Carl 1876-1957, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Amelia Schmidt
    • Gustav Julius 1887-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Gustav Wilhelm Franz 1844-1931, son of Carl and Louise Erdmann, married to Hulda Maria Hudche Winter
    • Gustave 1859-1920, son of David and Henriette Caroline Zielke, married to Katherine Rohrmann
  • H
    • Hans 1895-, son of Otto Arthur Vitalis and .....
    • Hans 1874-1874, son of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel
    • Hans Herrman Ewald Rolf 1899-, son of Herrmann Hugo Waldemar and Ida Bertha Alice Borrmann, married to Maria Jacoba Sophia Steiger
    • Hattie ca 1903-, daughter of Carl August Chas and .....
    • Hedwig, daughter of David , married to x Stichenwirth
    • Heinrich Andreas 1880-1937, son of August and Caroline Schultz, married to Paulina Gresinger
    • Heinrich(?) 1845/-, son of Richard Ferdinand and Antonie Bork
    • Heinz 1880/-, daughter of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Helena 1754-, daughter of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to x Gums
    • Helena 1892-1979, daughter of August and Caroline Hetke, married to x Hoppe
    • Helene 1864-, daughter of Michael Moritz Ewald and Friederike Ottilie Scharmer
    • Helene Ernestine 1895-1896, daughter of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Helmut 1900-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Henrietta 1887-1982, daughter of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann, married to Joseph Carrigan
    • Henriette 1813-1905, daughter of Carl and Clara Catharine Raddies, married to Carl Joseph Kliest
    • Henriette 1820-1823, daughter of Johann and Susanna Abram
    • Henriette Emile 1834-1834, daughter of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt
    • Henriette Wilhelmine 1850-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese, married to Johann Carl Hermann Hanker
    • Henry 1906-1909, son of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender
    • Henry ca 1907-, son of Carl August Chas and ....., married to Lola Milburn
    • Henry C. 1894-, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Bock
    • Henry Charles August 1909-1997, son of Otto Arthur Vitalis and ....., married to Elizabeth Bessie Kilpatrick
    • Herman Lewis 1896-1968, son of Carl August Chas and ....., married to Victoria L. Crimen
    • Hermann 1912/-, son of Gottfried and Pauline Remus
    • Hermann 1905-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Hermann Gustav 1884-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Hermann Joseph 1828-1841, son of Samuel Friedrich Moritz and Justine Wilhelmine Friederike Remus
    • Hermann Julius 1873-1879, son of David Jakob and Luise Wiese
    • Hermann Reinhard 1846-, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Herrmann Hugo Waldemar 1860-1923, son of Michael Moritz Ewald and Friederike Ottilie Scharmer, married to Ida Bertha Alice Borrmann
    • Hugo Emil 1842-1843, son of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Hulda 1913-1992, daughter of Reinhold Adolf and x N.N., married to Fritz Günther
    • Hulda 1889-, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz, married to Eduard Schmidtke
    • Hulda 1909-1985, daughter of ....., married to Arnold Adam
    • Hulda Auguste Franz. 1852-, daughter of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Hulda Margaretha 1884-1966, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Billy and Anna Christine Frase, married to Jacob K. Margreiter
    • Hulda Martha 1898-, daughter of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase, married to x Schwittowski
  • I
    • Ida Emma Hulda 1850-1850, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Ignatz 1870-1878, son of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska
    • Ignatz ca 1895-, son of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Ignatz A. 1882-1959, son of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck, married to Georgiana Johnson
    • Irma /1893-, daughter of Wilhelm and Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf
    • Irmgard 1907-1981 Irmgard Irm
  • J
    • Jacob Wilhelm 1837-1843, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge
    • Johan 1882/-, son of Johan and Marianne Schwarz
    • Johan 1859-, son of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller, married to Marianne Schwarz
    • Johan 1856-, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Johan 1783-, son of Christian and Marie Fursch, married to Caroline Dittmann
    • Johan /1715-, son of [Vater von Adam & Johann] , married to Dorothea ?
    • Johan 1779-, son of Franz and Anna Troi
    • Johan 1804-, son of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Johan /1772-1810/, son of Christian and Anna Dorothea Warmbier, married to Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
    • Johan 1838-1838, son of Johann Gottlieb and Anna Rhode
    • Johan Ernst 1810-, son of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert
    • Johan Friedrich 1793-1793, son of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi
    • Johan Friedrich 1873-1973 Johan Friedrich John
    • Johan Georg 1802-, son of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Johan Georg 1764-1836, son of Michael and Catharine Klotz, married to Regina Gierk
    • Johan Ludwig 1867-1960 Johan Ludwig John
    • Johan Ludwig 1763-, son of Peter and Catharine Thoms
    • Johann 1859-1937 Johann John J.
    • Johann 1885-1886, son of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Johann 1869-, son of Johann and Justina Schultz, married to Julianna Dahlke
    • Johann 1835-1850, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Justina Schultz
    • Johann 1884-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Johann ca 1790-1797, son of Johann Michael and Eva Rosina Klotz
    • Johann 1747-, son of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Johann /1686-1754, married to Christine Behrendt
    • Johann 1822-1879, son of Paul and Veronika Zmich, married to Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Johann 1809-, son of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Johann 1745-/1765, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg
    • Johann 1813-1813, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke, married to x N.N.
    • Johann 1765-/1837, son of Johann Caspar and Anna Ludovika Konopka, married to Catharine Schwichtenburg
    • Johann 1786-1831, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg, married to Susanna Abram
    • Johann August 1834-, son of Andreas and Anna Marie Jesse, married to Rosina Putzer
    • Johann August 1807-1864, son of Johann Gottfried and Catherina Lerch, married to Justyna Grande
    • Johann Carl 1845-, son of Johann Gottlieb and Wilhelmina Wiebe
    • Johann Caspar /1723-1772, son of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to Catharine Halweg
    • Johann Christian 1799-, son of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
    • Johann Daniel 1740-1812, son of Christoph and Eva Meskowka, married to Dorothea Runk
    • Johann Daniel 1778-1840, son of Johann Caspar and Anna Ludovika Konopka, married to Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Johann David /1716-1759, son of Johann and Christine Behrendt, married to Eva Halweg
    • Johann David 1790-1864, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Johann Emil 1858-, son of Carl and Caroline Erdmann
    • Johann Emil Reinhold 1860-1904, son of Carl and Caroline Erdmann, married to Alwine Anna Martha Schulz
    • Johann Franz 1861-, son of David Jakob and Luise Wiese, married to Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Johann Friedrich 1813-1866
    • Johann Friedrich 1824-, son of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe
    • Johann Friedrich 1859-1861, son of Gottlieb Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Elisabeth Juste Justine Rhode
    • Johann Georg 1767-1832, son of Peter and Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck, married to Eva Rosina Loper
    • Johann Gottfried ca 1830-, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Christina Schwirk
    • Johann Gottfried 1780-/1855, son of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi, married to Catherina Lerch
    • Johann Gottfried 1753-, son of Michael and Eva Rosina Janke, married to Anna Marie Halweg
    • Johann Gottlieb 1854-, son of Johann Gottlieb and Wilhelmine Maron
    • Johann Gottlieb ca 1827-/1851, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Anna Christina Retzlaff
    • Johann Gottlieb 1814-, son of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Wilhelmina Wiebe
    • Johann Michael 1816-1849, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Johann Michael 1749-1832, son of Johann David and Eva Halweg, married to Susanna Moddelmog
    • Johann Michael 1805-1826, son of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
    • Johann Onesiphorus 1823-1907, son of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt, married to Charlotte Ernestine Remus
    • Johanna 1861..1865-1908/, daughter of Peter Piotr and Johanna Bartholdy
    • Johanna Johanna Hannchen
    • Johanna Caroline 1775-, daughter of Lorenz and Anna Ludwicka Troi
    • Johanna Charlotte Caroline 1882-, daughter of Johann Onesiphorus and Charlotte Ernestine Remus, married to Georg Hirschberg
    • Johanna Luise 1828-1877, daughter of Johann and Susanna Abram, married to Adam Landmesser
    • Johanna Luise 1848-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Eva Rosine Ristau
    • Johannes , married to Anna Grochoska
    • Johannes Alexander Fritz 1872-1938, son of Michael Moritz Ewald and Friederike Ottilie Scharmer, married to Meta Encke
    • John , son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • John 1893-1973, son of Carl August Chas and ....., married to Flora Viola Bruce
    • John David 1867-1929, son of David and Henriette Caroline Zielke, married to Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • John Louis 1910-, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt, married to Mary Miriam Zaine
    • Joseph 1890-1945, son of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak, married to Rozalia Pipowska
    • Joseph 1893-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Joseph A. 1895-1960, son of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • Josephine 1912-1917, daughter of Reinhold Rudolf and Margareta Kriechel
    • Juliana 1830-1838, daughter of Johann August and Justyna Grande
    • Juliana 1846-, daughter of Johann and Anna Schweda
    • Juliane Dorothea Henriette Laura 1835-1912, daughter of Georg and Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner, married to Carl Ludwig Adolf Letz
    • Juliane Franziska 1861-, daughter of Franz Julius and Julianne Auguste Wilhelmine Müller, married to Rudolf Paul Albert Neumann
    • Julianna 1857-, daughter of Johann August and Rosina Putzer
    • Julianna 1873-1874, daughter of Johann and Justina Schultz
    • Julianna 1865-, daughter of Thomas and Margaretha Meggier
    • Julius 1894-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Julius August Gebhard 1854-1856, son of August Ferdinand and Anna Christina Henriette Klawitter
    • Julius Eduard 1854-1878, son of Carl and Caroline Erdmann
    • Julius Herrmann 1868-, son of Franz Julius and Julianne Auguste Wilhelmine Müller, married to Bertha Friederike Mollenhauer
    • Justine 1830..1831-1837, daughter of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Justine 1860-1865, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Justine 1857-, daughter of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Christina Remus
    • Justine 1851-1852, daughter of Ludwig and Marianna Ziebart
    • Justine Wilhelmina 1845-, daughter of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • Justine Wilhelmine Friederike 1807-, daughter of Johan Georg and Eva Rosina Janke, married to Samuel Friedrich Moritz
  • K
    • Karl Wilhelm 1889-1969 Karl Wilhelm Charley
    • Katharina 1896-1941, married to Carl Johann Wilhelm China-Karl Remus
    • Kenneth John 1915-1992, son of Ignatz A. and Georgiana Johnson, married to Margaret Linsday
    • Kinder , son of August
    • Konakordia 1901-1986, daughter of ....., married to .....
    • Kurt Georg 1882-1883, son of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel
  • L
    • Laura Franziska Eva 1862-1905, daughter of Carl August and Auguste Leopoldine Grapow, married to x Gakowski
    • Lena 1901-, daughter of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski
    • Leo 1914-1914, son of Franz Albert and Lucie Francisca Ryngrdska
    • Leo 1895-1965, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker, married to Antonia von Jarmuschewski
    • Leocadia ca 1899-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Leonard 1915-/2011, son of Gustav and Wilhelmine Roesler
    • Leroy 1913-1968, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • Lidia 1902-, daughter of ....., married to x Mund
    • Lili Therese 1879-, daughter of Julius Kalmukoff and Elise Kalmusoff, married to Eugen Erhard Moritz Remus
    • Lily Helen 1912-, daughter of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt, married to x Grube
    • Lorenz 1692-1757, married to Anna Marie N.N.
    • Lorenz 1748-1820, son of Martin and Catharine Nitz, married to Anna Ludwicka Troi
    • Lothar Guido 1899-, son of Wilhelm and Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf, married to Josephine Warning
    • Louis 1895-1978, son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • Louis Carl 1876-, son of Carl Hermann and Emilie Strehlke
    • Louis Oskar Reinhard 1856-, son of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann
    • Louisa (Louise) D. 1895-1997, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Billy and Anna Christine Frase, married to Ira Barleen
    • Louisa H. 1895-1968, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Henriette N.N.
    • Louise 1852-, daughter of Johann Gottlieb and Wilhelmine Maron
    • Louise 1828-, daughter of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz
    • Louise 1864-1953, daughter of David and Henriette Caroline Zielke, married to Theodore Friedrick Malte Heuer
    • Louise Elisabeth [?] 1860-1862, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Louise Mathilde 1853-1928, daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert, married to x Stessner
    • Louise Ottilie 1851-1852, daughter of Carl and Louise Erdmann
    • Louise Wilhelmina , daughter of August and Caroline Hetke
    • Lucia 1906-, daughter of Peter Piotr and Antonie Veronika Brauer
    • Ludwig 1855-, son of Johann August and Rosina Putzer
    • Ludwig /1863-, married to Dorothea Zimmer
    • Ludwig 1862-, son of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller
    • Ludwig 1866-1866, son of August and Wilhelmine Schultz
    • Ludwig 1869-, son of Alexander and Wilhelmine Remus
    • Ludwig 1798-1855, son of Johann Gottfried and Catherina Lerch, married to Anna Justyna Zanto
    • Ludwig Wilhelm 1807-, son of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert, married to Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Ludwika 1871-1873, daughter of August and Caroline Schultz
    • Luise 1872-, daughter of August Albert and Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • Luise 1828-, daughter of Daniel and Caroline Oehlke
    • Luise Elisabeth 1827-, daughter of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Luise Eva Bertha 1882-1966, daughter of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter, married to Herman Arthur Frase
    • Luise Justina 1833-, daughter of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
  • M
    • Magdalena †1886/, mother of Marianna
    • Magdalena Hulda Martha 1890-1970, daughter of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter
    • Margaret 1900-1900, daughter of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann
    • Margarete 1875-, daughter of Bruno and Valeska Rasmus
    • Margarete Anna 1874-, daughter of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel
    • Margaretha 1916-1998 Margaretha Grete
    • Margarethe 1870-, daughter of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Margarethe ca 1866-, daughter of Richard Ferdinand and Antonie Bork, married to Herm Budzinski
    • Maria 1915-1990, daughter of Reinhold Rudolf and Margareta Kriechel, married to Adolf Heeger
    • Maria 1889-1979, daughter of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Gustaf Hoppe
    • Maria 1853-1904, daughter of Gottlieb Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Elisabeth Juste Justine Rhode, married to David Niederlage
    • Maria Elisabeth 1792-, daughter of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Maria Helene 1864-, daughter of Franz Julius and Julianne Auguste Wilhelmine Müller, married to Gottlieb Rohr
    • Marianna 1853-, daughter of Adam and Victoria Rathke, married to Lucas Isbanner
    • Marianna 1865-1908/, daughter of Peter Piotr and Johanna Bartholdy
    • Marianna 1866-, daughter of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska, married to Joseph Iwicki
    • Marianna 1887..1888-, daughter of Magdalena Remus, married to Franz Andreas Scheffs
    • Marianna 1828-1832, daughter of Adam and Agnes Janowitz
    • Marianna 1890-, daughter of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Marianna 1852-, daughter of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska
    • Marianna ca 1867-, daughter of Johannes and Anna Grochoska, married to Joseph Szczukowski
    • Marianna 1861-, daughter of Thomas and Margaretha Meggier
    • Marianna 1758-, daughter of Johann Caspar and Anna Ludovika Konopka
    • Marianna 1733-/1739, daughter of Martin and Catharine Nitz
    • Marie 1888-, daughter of Franz Albert and Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski, married to Franz Paul Domachowskÿ
    • Marie Elisabeth 1739-, daughter of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Marie Elisabeth 1767-1776, daughter of Michael and Catharine Klotz
    • Marie Emilie Alwine 1863-, daughter of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Marie Juliana 1844-, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to Carl Wilhelm Gustav Luckert
    • Marie Mathilda 1900-, daughter of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Marie Wilhelmina 1799-1857, daughter of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert
    • Martha ca 1897-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Martha 1883-1884, daughter of Franz Albert and Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski
    • Martha L. 1891-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Bock
    • Martha Olga 1866-, daughter of Carl August and Auguste Leopoldine Grapow, married to x Rotenberger
    • Martin 1868-, son of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska
    • Martin , married to Catherine Scharner
    • Martin ca 1828-1856, son of Martin and Catherine Scharner, married to Anna Maria Gunsch
    • Martin 1859-, son of Johann and Justina Schultz, married to Pauline Pydde
    • Martin 1826-1895, son of Johan and Caroline Dittmann, married to Rose Janke
    • Martin 1843-1843, son of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Martin 1821-1896, son of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe, married to Anna Elisabeth Steinke
    • Martin 1781-1825, son of Johann Daniel and Dorothea Runk, married to Catherine Moddelmog
    • Martin /1705-/1777, son of Franz , married to Catharine Nitz
    • Mary 1899-, daughter of Carl August Chas and .....
    • Mary M. 1906-2000, daughter of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • Mathilda Amanda Emilie 1851-, daughter of Carl Wilhelm and Anna Friederike Kaun
    • Matilda 1899- Matilda Tillie
    • Matilda Minnie 1903-1996, daughter of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Theodore Gruenke
    • Max Emil Gustav 1884-1945, married to Käthe Selma Alma Stenzel
    • Max Paul Julius 1858-, son of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Michael 1857-, son of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska, married to Franziska Musolf
    • Michael 1833-1865, son of Martin and Catherine Scharner, married to Constantia Stoltmann
    • Michael ca 1831-1872, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Anna Elisabeth Schiller
    • Michael 1854-, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska, married to Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Michael 1741-, son of Johann David and Eva Halweg
    • Michael 1817-, son of Peter and Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe
    • Michael 1848-, son of Michael and Dorothea Meyer, married to Henriette Klenzke
    • Michael 1814-, son of Gottfried and Eva Rosina Hoppe, married to Dorothea Meyer
    • Michael 1831-, son of Daniel and Caroline Oehlke
    • Michael 1830-, son of Johann Daniel and Christine Hennig, verh. Bonin
    • Michael 1811-1856, son of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Michael 1752-1815, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg, father of August
    • Michael 1788-1871, son of Franz and Anna Marianna Bethke, married to Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt
    • Michael 1769-1833, son of Michael and Catharine Klotz, married to Dorothea Schacht
    • Michael ca 1723-1776, married to Eva Rosina Janke
    • Michael 1799-1869, son of Johann and Catharine Schwichtenburg, married to Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • Michael 1812-1814, son of Johann and Susanna Abram
    • Michael 1782-1809, son of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Michael Franz 1822-, son of Johann David and Dorothea Elisabeth Bilgalke
    • Michael John , son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • Michael Moritz Ewald 1831-1903, son of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt, married to Friederike Ottilie Scharmer
    • Milda 1912-1992, daughter of ....., married to Huslav Resler
    • Mina Martha 1888-1970 Mina Martha Minnie
    • Minna , daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert
    • Minnie Ilene 1894-1976, daughter of August Herman August Gustav Hermann and Caroline Dorthea Hilt, with Harry Charles Moyer
    • Mollie 1901-1930, daughter of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
  • N
    • N.N. 1892-1892, daughter of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
  • O
    • Olga 1910-1937, daughter of .....
    • Olga Helene 1902-, daughter of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Olga Louise 1910-, daughter of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt
    • Oscar Reinhold Clemens Carl 1860-1861, son of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg
    • Oswald Albert Gustav 1867-1868, son of August Albert and Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • Ottilie Mathilde Marie 1842-1919, daughter of Georg and Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner, married to Hans Albert Theodor Schaumberg
    • Otto 1861-1913, son of Paul and Albertine Mahlke
    • Otto 1914/-, son of Gottfried and Pauline Remus
    • Otto Arthur Vitalis 1868-1936, son of Carl August and Auguste Leopoldine Grapow, married to .....
    • Otto Emil 1893-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Otto Julius Eduard 1869-, son of Carl Friedrich Eduard Ludwig and Ernestine Wilhelmine Amalie Dramburg, married to Auguste Plath
  • P
    • Paul 1903-1903, son of Eugen Erhard Moritz and Lili Therese Remus
    • Paul ca 1829-, son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Paul 1830-, married to Albertine Mahlke
    • Paul 1825-1827, son of Adam and Agnes Janowitz
    • Paul 1913/-, son of Gottfried and Pauline Remus, married to Aneliese Diepholz
    • Paul 1899-, son of Michael and Anna Chmara
    • Paul 1783-1858, son of Christian and Marie Fursch, married to Marianna Schmidt
    • Paul 1906-1906, son of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt
    • Paul John 1896-1979, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Wilhelmine Bock, married to Mary A. Malcolm
    • Paul Otto Philipp 1873-1927, son of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel, married to Elisabeth Ziehm
    • Paul Wilhelm 1902-1902, son of August and Caroline Hetke
    • Paula 1916/-, daughter of Gottfried and Pauline Remus
    • Paulina 1893-/1901, daughter of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • Pauline 1903-1977, daughter of August and Anna Rosa Zabinski, married to Norman Herbert Farrand
    • Pauline 1884-, daughter of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • Pauline 1852-1853, daughter of Daniel and Luise Drewlo
    • Pauline 1887-1974, daughter of Johan and Marianne Schwarz, married to Gottfried Remus
    • Pauline 1864-, daughter of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller
    • Pauline 1855-1869, daughter of August and Wilhelmina Stefan
    • Pauline 1843-, daughter of Johann August and Justyna Grande
    • Pauline 1866-, daughter of Carl Wilhelm and Ludwiga Weber
    • Pauline 1865-, daughter of Johann and Justina Schultz, married to Michael Ceske
    • Pauline 1901-, daughter of August and Caroline Hetke, married to Jacob Jack Semler
    • Pauline Caroline 1855-1855, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Luise Gutknecht
    • Pauline Catharine 1872-, daughter of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska
    • Pauline Elisabeth 1868-1872, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese
    • Pauline Elisabeth Auguste 1837-1913, daughter of Georg and Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner, married to Emil Franz Martin Jahnz
    • Pauline Florentina 1850-, daughter of Daniel and Emilie Affelt, married to Albert Nagel
    • Peter , married to Friderike Bartel
    • Peter 1873-1908/ Peter Piotr
    • Peter 1825-1909 Peter Piotr
    • Peter 1821-1823, son of Peter and Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe
    • Peter 1768-1832, son of Peter and Catharine Thoms, married to Dorothea Elisabeth Hoppe
    • Peter ca 1720-1771/, son of Peter and x Gieus, married to Catharine Thoms
    • Peter /1680-, married to x Gieus
    • Peter 1807-, son of Johann Georg and Eva Rosina Loper
    • Peter 1814-, son of Johann Daniel and Marie Elisabeth Goltz, married to Rosine Pahl
    • Peter 1769-, son of Peter and Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck
    • Peter 1746-/1778, son of Johann Caspar and Catharine Halweg, married to Barbara Juliana Pufal, verh. Zyck
    • Peter A. , son of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck
    • Peter Paul 1826-1827, son of Paul and Veronika Zmich
    • Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht 1835-1914, son of Michael and Eva Rosine Euphrosine Schmidt, married to Maria Völkel
  • R
    • Reinhold 1889-1928, son of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Maria Mary Lembke
    • Reinhold 1886-1966, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt
    • Reinhold Adolf 1888-1970, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase, married to x N.N.
    • Reinhold Rudolf 1882-1965, son of Franz Albert and Marianna Maria Pupka von Lepinski, married to Margareta Kriechel
    • Richard 1879-1924, son of Bruno and Valeska Rasmus
    • Richard Carl Georg 1866-, son of August Albert and Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • Richard Ferdinand 1835-1866, son of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem, married to Antonie Bork
    • Richard Reinhold 1886-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Robert 1905-, son of Rudolf Friedrich and Bertha Westphal
    • Rosa Emilie 1842-, daughter of Daniel and Christine Berg, verw. Bettin, married to Michael Nowatzke
    • Rosa Mary 1909-1973, daughter of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Johann Christian Clausen-Mohr
    • Rosalia ca 1888-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Rosalie 1874-, daughter of Andreas and Catharina Piotrowska
    • Rosalie ca 1814-1856, daughter of Lorenz and Christiana Marie Ickert, married to Friedrich Suppert
    • Rosalie 1896-1976, daughter of August and Caroline Hetke
    • Rosalie Friederike 1856-1938 Rosalie Friederike Rosa
    • Rosalie Justine 1856-1924/, daughter of David Jakob and Luise Wiese, married to Bartholomäus "Lorenz" Musolf
    • Rose 1832-1833, daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Elisabeth Musolf
    • Rose 1898-1968, daughter of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey, married to x Pearson
    • Rudolf 1879/-, son of Gustav Adolph Rudolph and Antonie Anna N.N.
    • Rudolf Friedrich 1874-1938, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Bertha Westphal
    • Rudolph 1896-1955, son of Rudolf Friedrich and Bertha Westphal
    • Rudolph Heinrich 1838-, son of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Rudolph Rob. Edwin 1863-1865, son of Carl and Caroline Erdmann
    • Russell H. 1907-1980, son of Ignatz A. and Georgiana Johnson, married to Ruth Brinkman
  • S
    • Samuel 1888-1888, son of Martin and Pauline Pydde
    • Samuel 1860-1862, son of August and Wilhelmina Stefan
    • Samuel 1843-1862, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Caroline Schultz
    • Selina Hedwig Wilhelmine 1868-, daughter of August Albert and Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Klawitter
    • Shirley Patrick 1912-1991, son of Ignatz A. and Georgiana Johnson, married to Leanore A. Kenny
    • Silvester 1903-, son of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Sophie ca 1910-, daughter of Adolf Rudolph and Elizabeth Frick, married to x Anderson
    • Stanislaus 1887-, son of Michael and Anna Kuchenbecker
    • Stanislaus 1859-1947, son of Johann and Elisabeth Chelmowska, married to Marianne Jaśtak
    • Stephan, father of Carl
    • Stephanie Anna Berta Ida Margot 1882-, daughter of Anton Benno Stephan von Frankenberg und Proschlitz and Wanda Remus
    • Susanna 1783-, daughter of Johann Gottfried and Anna Marie Halweg
    • Susanna Caroline 1796-, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Schacht
    • Susanne 1832-, daughter of Andreas and Anna Marie Jesse, married to Johan Kuske
  • T
    • Theodor 1881-1971, son of August and Caroline Schultz, married to Regina C. ?
    • Theofile 1882/-, son of Johan and Marianne Schwarz
    • Theofile 1885-, daughter of Martin and Pauline Pydde, married to Adam Disterheft
    • Theophil 1904-, son of Michael and Anna Chmara
    • Therese Mathilda 1840-, daughter of Carl Friedrich and Anna Florentine Dahlmann, married to August Henning von Jutrzenka
    • Thomas 1835-, son of Paul and Veronika Zmich, married to Margaretha Meggier
    • Thresa 1888-1967, daughter of Johann John J. and Anna Marie Wruck, married to Archie John McPhee
    • Tochter 1792-1793, daughter of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß
  • V
    • Valeria ca 1892-, daughter of Stanislaus and Marianne Jaśtak
    • Valeska Dorothea Marie 1864-, daughter of Emil Franz Martin Jahnz and Pauline Elisabeth Auguste Remus
    • Veronica 1892-1969, daughter of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann, married to Martin L. Scheer
    • Victor 1892-1893, son of Gustave and Katherine Rohrmann
  • W
    • Waldemar 1879/-, son of Johann Emil Reinhold and Alwine Anna Martha Schulz
    • Wally, daughter of Johann Emil Reinhold and Alwine Anna Martha Schulz
    • Walter ca 1905-1923, son of John David and Matilda Tillie Konkey
    • Walter Otto 1870-, son of Philipp Jacob Wilbrecht and Maria Völkel
    • Walter Tony 1900-1992, son of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Ruth Gruenke
    • Wanda 1852-1933, daughter of David and Pauline Geschke, married to Anton Benno Stephan von Frankenberg und Proschlitz
    • Wanda 1882/-, daughter of Johan and Marianne Schwarz
    • Wilbur 1912-2000, son of Otto Arthur Vitalis and .....
    • Wilhelm 1827-, son of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge
    • Wilhelm 1853-1905, son of David and Pauline Geschke, married to Marie Helene Juliane Emma Frischauf
    • Wilhelm 1863-1863, son of Friedrich Wilhelm and Luise Gutknecht
    • Wilhelm 1915/-, son of Gottfried and Pauline Remus
    • Wilhelm 1840-, son of Ludwig and Anna Justyna Zanto, married to Marianna Weber
    • Wilhelm August 1881-, son of Carl August and Emilie Auguste Frase
    • Wilhelm Friedrich 1892-, son of Johann Franz and Emilie Caroline Remus
    • Wilhelm Gottlieb August 1852-, son of Daniel and Caroline Wilhelmina Kathke
    • Wilhelmina 1850-1850, daughter of Daniel and Luise Drewlo
    • Wilhelmina /1853-1853, daughter of Michael and Anna Elisabeth Schiller
    • Wilhelmina 1853-, daughter of August and Wilhelmina Stefan
    • Wilhelmina 1859-1859, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Meyer
    • Wilhelmina 1904-1904, daughter of Gustav Carl and Amelia Schmidt
    • Wilhelmina 1866-, daughter of Anna Rosina Remus
    • Wilhelmina 1838-1847, daughter of Michael and Elisabeth Barbara Thiede
    • Wilhelmina Caroline 1849-, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Catharine Wiese
    • Wilhelmina Charlotte 1804-, daughter of Johan and Forentina Weisjahn oder Weiß, married to Michael Dobrint
    • Wilhelmina Frederike 1798-, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Schacht
    • Wilhelmina Henriette 1801-1847, daughter of Michael and Dorothea Schacht, married to Friedrich Dahlmann
    • Wilhelmina Henriette 1829-1936, daughter of Johann and Susanna Abram
    • Wilhelmina Henriette 1844-1945, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm and Eva Rosine Ristau
    • Wilhelmina Marie 1844-, daughter of Ludwig Wilhelm and Marie Matilda Hortense Cardinal von Widdem
    • Wilhelmine 1838-, daughter of Andreas and Anna Marie Jesse, married to Alexander Remus
    • Wilhelmine 1840-1841, daughter of Peter and Rosine Pahl
    • Wilhelmine Elisabeth 1852-, daughter of Franz and Katharina Ickert, married to x ?
    • Wilhelmine Elisabeth Johanna 1833-1900, daughter of Georg and Auguste Luise Pauline Meisner, married to Ernst Arthur Guido von Busse
    • Wilhelmine Rose 1831-, daughter of Friedrich Fritz and Justina Christina Rogge, married to Herman Rhode
    • Willam Carl 1892-1972, son of William Frederick and Maria Deutschlaender, married to Josephine E. A. Paterson
    • Willi Emil Gustav 1893-1899, son of Gustav Wilhelm Franz and Hulda Maria Hudche Winter
    • William 1915-1995, son of William Fred Willi and Orvilla Orla Whitmer, married to .....
    • William F. 1895-ca 1965, son of Johan Ludwig John and Mary S. Witt
    • William Fred 1889-1965 William Fred Willi
    • William Frederick 1869-1954, son of August Wilhelm and Wilhelmina Harwardt, married to Maria Deutschlaender
    • William John 1897-1976, son of August Herman August Gustav Hermann and Caroline Dorthea Hilt, married to Orpha Ann Roush
    • Willma ca 1914-, daughter of William Fred Willi and Orvilla Orla Whitmer
    • Władyslaw 1906-1974, son of Michael and Anna Chmara, married to Aniela Bajgier

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